Sergio Romero

Sergio Romero
He is the Director of the Center for Technological Development (CDT) at ITAM, where he works as a full time research-professor. He is founder and coordinator of the Diploma on Planning and Direction of Operations at the Direction of University Extension and Executive Development at ITAM. He is a Mechanical Engineer of UNAM; Master of Science and Doctor of Engineering at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, England. Specialty in “Competing through productivity and quality” by the Productivity Standards Board Corporation sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore.
In the public sector he was anointed as a member of the Advisory Council for Sustainable Use of Energy, SENER, by the Minister of Energy Dr Georgina Kessel. He remained as an advisor under the administrations of Dr. José Meade, Lic. Jordy Herrera y Lic. Pedro Joaquín Coldwell. During his appointment the first National Program for the Sustainable Use of Energy, PRONASE, was established, as well as several normativities on energy efficiency.
In the private sector he worked in England for The Turbo Genset Company, as well as ICON Consultants. He has participated in consultancy projects in design and analysis for the Rolls-Royce Centre for Vibration Engineering and British Petroleum in the UK. In Mexico he has done consulting projects for the INE, SEMARNAT, Securities Depository Institute (Indeval), BAL Group, Mexican Petroleum Institute, SENER, INTEC and various SMEs.
He has published articles in refereed journals and books worldwide. Likewise he is the co-author-editor of the textbook “Introduction to Engineering” in their two editions, this book has a widespread distribution in all Iberoamerica. He is also the main author in renewable energy in Mexico books , published by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He has been recognized by the Government of Singapore, Beihang University in Beijing, China, the University of California, Berkeley and CONACYT in Mexico among others.
He spent his sabbatical leave in the University of California, Berkeley, where he did research h on the environmental impact of the production of photovoltaic solar panels. He has been appointed National Researcher by the National Research System.
He is an active motorcycle rider and avid world traveler having living in 4 countries and travelled more than 40. In his voluntary phase he has been national sub-comissioner of pionerism for the Mexican scouts association.
Academic Studies
Topics of Interest
- Renewable Energies
- Product Development and Design
- Computer-Aided Manufacturing
- Innovation and entrepanourship
- Computer-Aided Engineering