Roberto Zocco

Roberto Zocco
Engineer by heart (Polytechnic of Milan) is a philosopher and theologian by vocation. Graduated in Philosophy and Theology from the Gregorian University (Rome, Italy), has obtained a Master in Dogmatic Theology at the University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany), where he is completing his PhD in Philosophy on the concept of "person" in Robert Spaemann and its consequences in law and economics.
It has several publications and conferences on topics related to the Humanities. He has published a book with the title "Der Gehorsam des Menschensohnes" that tries to clarify the concepts of "freedom" and "obedience" from the Christian revelation.
So far he has taught the following courses: Ideas and Political and Social Institutions I; Problems of Contemporary Civilization I and II.
Collaborates with the Committee of Ideas and Political and Social Institutions that deals with updating the selections of texts on these subjects.
He’s dedicated to reflect and propose a humanistic education for young people, that is, to make them reflect on the questions and answers that make us human.
It collaborates with some charitable and educational works, among them is "Crecemos, DIJO A.C." which is active in some poor districts of Oaxaca.
Academic Studies
Topics of Interest
- Philosophical anthropology
- Philosophy and Economics
- Philosophy and Law
- Human rights
- Catholic theology
- Religions
- History of ideas
- Metaphysics
- Education