Manuel Mendoza

Manuel Mendoza
He is full time Professor and his research field is Bayesian Statistics. He has been Head of the Statistics Department, Director of the Applied Statistics Centre and founding Director of the master program on Risk Management. He got a Bachelor degree on Actuarial Sciences from the UNAM as well as a Master degree on Statistics and Operations Research and a Doctor degree (Mathematics) also from the UNAM.
He was professor at the University of Valencia, Spain and the UNAM, where he also was Secretary of Academic Affairs of the Science School and Director of the Master program on Statistics and Operations Research.
He was Associated Editor of TEST, the journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics, and the Revista Chilena de Estadística. He was also Theory and Methods Editor of ESTADISTICA, the journal of the Inter American Statistical Institute (IASI). From 2010 to 2012, he was Editor of the Bulletin of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis.
He is member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. He was awarded with the Distinción UNAM para Jóvenes Académicos en el área de Ciencias Exactas in 1990. He was Vice-president (1995-1997) and then President (1997-1999) of the Asociación Mexicana de Estadística. In 2000, he was awarded by the ITAM with the Chair Alberto Baillères. He is member of the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias since 2003 and, in 2006 he received a special award from the Asociación Mexicana de Estadística for his work promoting Statistics. In 2014 was elected member of the International Statistical Institute.
In the Public Service he has been Research and Development Director at the Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Fianzas, where he introduced the Bayesian analysis of mortality. In 2006 and 2012, he was member of the Technical Committees in charge of the Quick Counts for the Presidential Elections produced by the Instituto Nacional Electoral. He has also collaborated with the Committees auditing the Electoral Roll (2009 and 2012).
Academic Studies
Topics of Interest
- Bayesian Statistics
- Applied Statistics