Sofía Charvel

Sofía Charvel
Sofía is currently a full time Professor and Researcher at the Academic Department of Law, and Director of the Public Health Law Program at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico, ITAM. She obtained a Bachelor´s Degree in LAW from the ITAM Institute, and earned a Master´s Degree in Judicial Science from the Panamerican University (UP), followed by a Ph.D. in LAW from this same University.
She is the head professor and academic coordinator of the subjects Constitutional Law II and Public Law, as well as the coordinator of the subject Legal Foundations and Public Law Institutions. She also teaches the subject Health and Law at the Public Policies Master´s Degree Program.
As Director of the Public Health Law Program, she has organized several forums and academic dialogues with governmental institutions, civil society organizations, the private sector and several national and international personalities on relevant topics regarding law and health. She has collaborated with several academic institutions such as the National Institute of Public Health, the Francois Xavier Bagnaud Human Rights Centre at Harvard University, the School of Public Health at UC Berkley, the O'Neill Institute at Georgetown University and the Health Law Initiative of the World Bank Institute, among others. She has received funding from the Health Research Sectorial Fund of CONACYT.
In the Public Health Law Program she has mentored several students from multiple careers to increase their interest in law and public health.
She is a member of the editorial board of the collection called “Law, Health y Bioethics” of the Fontamara publishing house, and member of the Health Law Initiative Technical Committee of the World Bank Institute.
Her research centers on health and law topics, among those included are: right to health protection, sanitary regulation, prioritization of health goods and interventions, judicialization of the right to health protection, regulation of chronic and transmissible diseases, and the regulation of the health sector.
She has written several published articles on health and law, exposed in national and international dissemination magazines and has participated as a speaker in forums and conferences in Mexico and abroad.
Academic Studies
Topics of Interest
- Health Systems
- Sanitary Regulation
- Judicialization of the right to health
- Health Rights