Abimael Bengochea
Abimael Bengochea

Division of Exact Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Abimael Bengochea
Abimael Bengochea
Full time professor
Bachelor Degree and Phd in Physics UAM Iztapalapa, Posdoctoral Research Position at Faculty of Sciences UNAM and School of Engineering University of Sevilla. National System of Researchers Level I
I have focused my investigation on the study of periodic orbits of hamiltonian systems (n-body problem and restricted models). I am interested in Dynamical Systems, Stability and Bifurcations of Periodic Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations, and Mathematical Modelling.
Academic Studies
BS in Physics, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
PhD in Physics Sciences, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Topics of Interest
- Math Modelling
- Stability and Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations
- Dynamical Systems