Romain Geniez

Division of Social Sciences
Department of Law

Romain Geniez

Full time professor

Romain Geniez joined the law faculty as a full time Associate professor in August 2020. He is a PhD student in Philosophy of law and history of the legal culture in the University of Genoa (Istituto Tarello per la Filosofia del Diritto) as well as PhD student in Public law in the Paris-Nanterre University (Centre de Théorie et Analyse du droit).

His investigations focus on Robert Alexy's legal philosophy and more specifically on the application of proportionnality reasonning as formalized by the German philosopher to the judicial activity of the French Constitutional Court. In addition, he is interested in history of general and legal philosophy as well as constitutional law (french constitutional law and its history, theory of constitutional law, history of french legal thoughtin relation to constitutional law).

Academic Studies

LLB, Université de Toulouse 1-Capitole, France
BA Philosophy, Université Paris IV, Paris-Sorbonne, France
MA Public Law, Université de Toulouse 1-Capitole, France
MA Legal Philosophy and Political Law, Université Paris II, Panthéon-Assas, France

Topics of Interest

  • Philosophy (history of general philosophy// political and legal philosophy// metaethics)
  • Theory of law// Public and constitutional law (French constitutional law// history of french constitutional law)
  • History of french constitutional law theories

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