Martha Zogaib

Martha Zogaib
My general area of research is statistical physics. The areas of current interest are mathematical modeling of population dynamics and some topics in mathematical economics.
I completed my PhD in Physics at the National University of Mexico, UNAM, in 1990. My dissertation was written under the supervision of Dr. James W. Dufty from the University of Florida, where I spent a research stay as an exchange scholar during 1987-1989. During my stay, I occupied a position as an Assistant Adjoint in the Physics Department for some time. After graduating, I spent three years as a Research Associate in the Materials Research Institute at UNAM. Since 1994, I am a Full-Time Professor in the Mathematics Department at ITAM.
I was awarded the National Research System grant, CONACYT, during 1992-1996. I have published some research papers in refereed journals, participated in international conferences and spent research stays at the University of Florida and the University of California in Davis. For the last years I have been involved in teaching activities, mostly in courses of mathematics for the economists and finance directors. For these courses, I have written an extensive collection of lecture notes and practice exercises, which are available from the web page of ITAM.
Academic Studies
Topics of Interest
- Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
- Stochastic Processes
- Mathematical Economics